Student Projects

We love to work with students who are interested in performing their own research.

  1. Mentor, First Reader: Stanford Human Biology Honors Student, Julie (Chung In) Choe: won a Firestone Medal for her research “Emotional Resonance of Psychological Support Groups of Women with Breast Cancer: A Pilot Study.” 
  2. Mentor, First Reader: Stanford Human Biology Honors student, Caroline (Perry) Dillon won a Firestone Medal for her research “Emotional Expression During Narratives in a Breast Cancer support group.”
    • Perry, C.J., Giese-Davis, J., Spiegel, D. (2002, April). Emotional expression during narratives in a breast cancer support group. Talk presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, Washington, D.C. Citation award.
    • Giese-Davis, J., Piemme, K. A., Dillon, C., & Twirbutt, S. (2005). Macro-variables in affective expression in women with breast cancer participating in support groups. In J. Harrigan, K. R. Scherer & R. Rosenthal (Eds.), Nonverbal behavior in the affective sciences: A handbook of research methods (pp. 399-445). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  3. Mentor, First Reader: Stanford Biology Honors Student, Wendy Ellis: “Therapist Behaviors and Emotional Expression in Online vs. Face-to-Face Cancer Support Groups: A Comparative Study”
    • Ellis, W., Giese-Davis, J., Lieberman, M., Golant, M., Simon, J., Spiegel, D. Emotional expression and therapist behavior in online vs. Face-to-face breast cancer support groups: a comparative study Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, Washington, D.C.
  4. Mentor: Stanford Medical Scholar's Student, Anna Liess: "An Analysis of Emotional Expression in Electronic vs. Face-to-Face Cancer Support Groups: A Comparative Study" 
    • Liess, A., Ellis, W., Giese-Davis, J., Gruenstein, A., Golant, M., & Spiegel, D. (2004). Emotional information available from videotapes vs transcripts. Ann Behav Med, 27, Supplement, S008.
    • Liess, A., Ellis, W., Yutsis, M., Owen, J., Piemme, K. A., Golant, G., Giese-Davis, J. (In Preparation). Detection of emotional expression in face-to-face and online breast cancer support groups.
  5. Mentor, First Reader: Stanford Psychology Honors Student, Rebecca Allen: “Pride and Depression in Primary Breast Cancer”
    • Allen, R. M., Giese-Davis, J., Piemme, K., & Twirbutt, S. (2005, September 9-11, 2005). Pride and depression in primary breast cancer: Eliciting pride and examining facial expression. Paper presented at the Annual California Breast Cancer Research Program Conference, Sacramento, CA.Lynn Vogel
  6. Mentor: Dissertation Committee Member for Lynn Dubenko, Aliant Professional School of Psychology: “Emotional expression in breast cancer support groups and emotional information available in observational and text-based coding systems”
  7. Mentor: Dissertation Committee Member for Maya Yutsis, Pacific Graduate School of Psychology: "Exploration of Moderator Effects of Adult Attachment Style on Psychosocial Adjustment in Breast Cancer Support Groups."
  8. Mentor: Dissertation Committee Member for Christopher Han, Stanford Management Sciences and Engineering: "Emotional Expression and Decision Analysis in Car Sales"
  9. Mentor: Dissertation Committee Member for Malte Jung, Stanford Design Engineering: "Affect in Design Teams as Predictor of Team Cohesion and Design" performance